After pregnancy many women are unhappy with their appearance, the changes experienced during pregnancy and breastfeeding may be more than noticeable. Planning a diet and physical exercise is the first step in trying to regain our appearance, but if it gets too uphill or we don’t make it, we can always resort to Plastic Surgery.

As the weeks of pregnancy go by, the woman looks in the mirror and goes through her head again and again with the same concern. Will I ever have the figure I looked like before I was pregnant again? She watches with concern as her breasts and belly grow, as the waist disappears, and all the changes that affect the figure during the gestation period.

Tips to Avoid Cosmetic Surgery

One of the things we can do to prevent excessive changes that are difficult to regain is to avoid becoming overweight during pregnancy.

The woman must follow a healthy and balanced diet, according to the recommendations of the gynaecologist, exercise as much as possible and whenever possible and with the surname “for pregnant women”, moisturise the skin to avoid stretch marks, and use sunscreen to prevent sun spots on the skin.

After the months of rigor and childbirth, the women want to regain their type as soon as possible. However, nature needs its time, it has taken many weeks with organs compressed by the fetus, and these need several weeks to regain their place, and we must also take into account the period of breastfeeding.

Many experts agree that it is good to wait at least a couple of months after breastfeeding ends, this time period can be used to lose weight and do physical exercise to help us regain muscle tone. If you see that you do not achieve the desired result, you can always resort to Plastic Surgery.

Plastic Surgery After Pregnancy

Dr. Martínez Gutiérrez is a specialist in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery, so he can help you recover your figure after pregnancy. Among the different treatments that we can carry out are the following:

  • Breasts: because breast growth and lactation can cause tissues to stretch and then lose volume, resulting in sagging or empty breasts after pregnancy. Through Plastic Surgery we can fill with a breast prosthesis or with your own fat. We can also reduce or elevate the breast to put it back in place.
  • Abdomen: it is one of the areas that suffer the most naturally, having a flat stomach again is almost a utopia for many women, however Plastic Surgery does not work miracles, but almost, since we can perform an abdominoplasty that eliminates excess fat, strengthen the muscles and structural problems of the effort involved in a pregnancy.
  • Waist, hips and thighs: another critical area, as these areas tend to accumulate fat, which leads to sagging and excess skin, so it is recommended to perform liposuction in order to shape the figure and achieve a more aesthetic result.

Performing all these treatments is what in the United States or United Kingdom is called a mommy makeover. You may have heard of it, but more and more famous mothers are turning to a Plastic Surgeon to help them regain their appearance after pregnancy.

If you know you are not going to get pregnant again, we can help you get your figure back. Do not hesitate to contact us by calling 638 602 462. You can arrange an informative appointment with Dr. Martínez Gutiérrez in Malaga or Granada.
